Saturday, December 30, 2017

New year New beer

I'm not going to do big epic year summary blog posts this year, I don't have time. Also I already blogged about lots of the illustrationy stuff I did this year, go read those posts. Sorry. 

As a compromise I will try and post a few pictures of some of my favourite fun things I got to draw in 2017 with captions. 
Not particularly chronologically. 

First here is a picture of me and Alex on Christmas day with my favourite Christmas present

If you didn't guess my favourite present was the googley eyes glasses. 

My brain is having difficulty with 2017 as it is, how silly do the things we said this time last year seem? Remember how people were saying 2016 was the worst year ever? Weird. 

This was my Christmas card design this year, commissioned by Claire. 

Yay puffins. 

Here is the single solitary Real TV Wisdom drawing that I did this year. You can read about it here

Muesli cat is the starshine of my life. 

Here is a picture of her in a box at Christmas. 
Please do not get the impression that she is one of those cats that is always jumping in and out of boxes. She only jumped in there because we threw an elastic band in. She bloody loves elastic bands. 

I don't even remember if I have shared this comic page online before. I am thinking of using it as the very first comic page of my comic. But there are other contenders. 

These are my favourite two recent commissions. Because.
This was an absolute joy from conception to completion, thank you Helen!
 When someone contacts you and is like can you draw a tiger and a bunch of cats reading books, you say yes. Yes please. 

That's literally all I'm going to post now, I hope all of you people who put your eyes here also get to put them lots of other good places, and your minds and your bodies too. 

Let 2018 be a year in which sh*t gets done and perspectives and priorities become magically clear. 

Look after yourselves yeah?

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