Friday, August 26, 2016

Jenny has been drawing a project, and stuff.

So the summer is almost over ladies and gentleman. It's a thing. Although it's very hot this week, if you are reading this in the future and want a window back into late August 2016. It's been moistened towelette on the forehead oclock in the RobinsGeorge household. I've been working on a few different things this month, but mostly I have been into making and posting fresh 3.52 billion drawings on instagram every day at 12tyish. I don't mean that I have been posting 3.52 billion drawings, I'm pretty sure that's impossible, but that as you'll know if you know me on the gram or indeed any of the other média sociaux, it is a project of me drawing lots of different women coming out of cookie cutters with little sentences under them that tell you something about them or their lives you probably couldn't tell by looking. You get the idea right? It's about diversity and intersectionality and people being awesome and carrying stories around with them the whole time. 
It's a thing. 
I wrote about how I was probably going to do this back in June, yeah? 

The plan is I'm going to eventually make this into a book with comics and stories as well, I've already done two and a half comics. But I'm going to be crazy busy in September, so progress is going to have to halt on that for a little bit. But I would encourage you all to keep an eye on my instagram feed, but here is a really long image with a sample of some of the colourful characters. 
I'm also posting them sporadically on the facebook. 

In other news I finished my personal sketchbook today that I've had going sinceMay 2012. So that's exciting. I plan to do a video, if I can figure out a way to suspend my phone appropriately strategically.

Also, I painted Julia Scheele.

And there are some exciting new listings and some fresh designyness in my Etsy Shop, I might talk about that another time. Maybe. 

Jenny out. 

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