Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Jumble and Pearls May 2014 - live portraits and cards and bits and bobs again.

 Here are some of my favourite portraits that I did at Jumble and Pearls vintage and handmade fair at the Book Club last week:

I'm, as it were, gutted to not be going to the next one as I have a wedding to go to (it's almost that time of year again - handy since I also bought this epic fascinator from Maiden Found at Jumble and Pears also) 

but should be back again for the August event. 

As per-freelancey-usual, events of unexpected nature have eaten my life since I got back from Honeymoon and finished my draft essay (about which, more time another post) - so all the time I had earmarked for making and organising for the fair kind of disappeared, I had hoped to have a whole new series of prints and cards but as it was I mostly had a few bits and pieces I squeezed in round the edges. Includingoodling, these collage cards

mmmmmmm. circley. 

I also did a series of high end prints of that same bird (it's a Jacamar) in different colour ways. Those that didn't sell last week I'll be feeding on to Artfinder here.

This was my stuff all on the table for sale and that. Apologies for the pants quality, it was pretty dark down there in the basement. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Inspiration - with bonus diversity of lightbulb metaphors

I'm going to post a few more editorial illustrations plus spiel for your pleasure. First, here's a thing about inspiration, and how it's different for everyone. 

I'm not sure about the lens flair. I may have gone too far. 

What is it to be creative? Well it's different for everyone isn't it? A slow, glowing realisation like an eco-bulb, a strong obsessive spotlight beam. Sometimes it begins with little noticings, things that scratch at the corners of your brain and make you focus on things you didn't look so closely at before, although you see the echoes of that noticing, when you look back. Right now I'm obsessed with branches against sky, I keep looking up and seeing the buds growing and the so many different ways of dividing and sub dividing. I know it's going somewhere this new obsession, but I haven't had the lightbulb moment yet. I've had little ones. Actually I think my inspiration lightbulb metaphor would be maybe a string of fairy lights. I wish I'd drawn that now. Too late. It's ok though - because the point is it's different for everybody.

And yeah I really am obsessed with taking photos of trees. Mostly branches against sky.
Do you want to see some? Of course you do. 
