i live in Wandsworth.
I will be exhibiting with some other exciting artists at Webbs Road Fine Art gallery. There will be 3 large bird paintings and also the original work from What Birds are Really Thinking will be displayed. Tonight I met some other artists who will be opening their houses nearby and here is a map of the Battersea Arts Trail, if you are likely to come see me you might as well check them out too, altho, this map makes it look less far than it actually is. We are number 6
since the planned private view was never actually planned, that is to say organised, to make it up to you I encourage everyone to come by towards the end of saturday 3rd and we can all go for a drink and maybe some food in Northcote road, to celebrate.
I am also currently working on some roughs for a tele-book (thats not a word, i made that up) of a childrens story to be featured on the children's show Driver Dan's Story Train. Its not on TV yet, so you don't have to feel like an out of the loop loser for not having heard of it. I drew these kids:
and they decided i should do a story with people in, although I think I am allowed to reveal there are not any cats in very small hats in the story, so it will probably look a bit like this, only with more juicy colours and exciting vegetables. Once the show has aired I'll be able to post the pictures up here.
The move went pretty well and we are now in our lovely new flat, it is at the top of all of the stairs. And has nice sofas. Recently I have become a bit obsessed with cookery programs.